Bakson’s Kof Aid Tablet 75 tablets

Bakson’s Kof Aid Tablet 75 tablets


BAKSON’S K of Aid Tablet is indicated in the treatment of common cold, tickling cough, chest congestion, allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and productive cough.

Key Ingredients:

  • Bryonia alba 3x
  • Ipecacuanha 3x
  • Antimonium tart. 6x
  • Phosphorus 6x
  • Droserarotun difolia
  • Justicia adhatoda 2x

Key Benefits:

  • Helpful in the treatment of dry, spasmodic, allergic bronchitis cough and asthma
  • Provides relief in chest congestion, breathlessness, lung inflammation
  • Also provides relief from tickling cough, whooping cough, productive cough, cough with mucus and nausea
  • Effective for patients suffering from bronchitis, bronchial asthma
  • Soothes throat and aids expectoration
  • Provides relief in paroxysmal dry cough, dyspnea, asthma with spasmodic cough
  • Controls cough due to throat and bronchial irritation
  • Cure spasmodic cough attacks which end with vomiting of thick viscid mucus, enlarged uvula, tickling in larynx
  • Strengthens bone and reduce risk of fracture besides maintaining tissue elasticity

Directions For Use:

  • 1 tablet, 4 times a day for adults
  • 1 tablet, 2 to 3 times a day for children or as prescribed by the physician

Safety Information:

  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose
  • Keep out of the reach of children

Bakson Drugs


1.00 Count